Letra capital para los Premios Junceda convocados por APIC, la Asociación Profesional de Ilustradores de Cataluña.
Me ha hecho especial ilusión el encargo. Y he pasado unos nervios.
Ya me diréis que os parece.
Si os interesa, podéis encontrar las bases aquí.
Capital letter for the Junceda Awards organized by APIC, the Association of Illustrators of Catalonia.
The assignment was a big cheer. And a bit of a fluster, too.
Let me know what you think.
If you are interested, you can find the call for proposals (conditions of competition) here.
The assignment was a big cheer. And a bit of a fluster, too.
Let me know what you think.
If you are interested, you can find the call for proposals (conditions of competition) here.